16:21 of 2004-08-31

Just to make it quick....I'm really in love with Ms. Marlene Firmalino Arboleda!!!! Ohh yeah!!
And I don't care anymore on what the others say!!! Haaay buhay nga naman oh.. Well!!! By the
way, the insurance of cards is just around the corner, this Saturday! And for the first time in
my life...well high school life..in the feild of Science and so do others..I think....

In other news the Claretian Computer Week is also around the corner, 3 weeks away from now!! Weeee!! Since I'm still at school I'm still busy so until next time again....hopefully!!!!

Gotta Jet!!!!!! Gyahahahaha Don't forget to SMILE!!!!!


I really need to keep a backup regularly

Those beutiful picturess!! such a waste!!!
