Well well well looky here...I'm neary finished on my new site....sigh...it's not guiite good but, it's ok...
Oh yeah..... it sure took my time this seoson's break!! Can't you believe that???? I practically love school and now they're taking it away....? Well its' only for a short time so no big! Btw... want to see the site?? well visit it here at

Seasons Greeting Minna!!!!
Happy New year!!!
Speaking of new year....since we don't participate much on fireworks....The Highlands decided to spent the a night in a hotel and just watch those magnificent display of fireworks happening at I've forgot place!! In other words I'm leaving my pc behind...NOOOOOOooooooooooo..........(Cool)
What happenned it's cut short!!! well I'm out of time so see ya!!
That's all it??????
Oh shut up!!!!
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